Bank of America Corp.
Settore: Banking
Number of terms: 304
Number of blossaries: 2
Company Profile:
A financial institution that serves individual customers to large corporations with banking, investing, asset management and other financial and risk management products and services.
Legal tender or coins that can be used in exchange goods, debt, or services. Sometimes also including the value of assets that can be converted into cash immediately, as reported by a company.
Industry:Financial services
Industry:Financial services
The price of one country's currency expressed in another country's currency. In other words, the rate at which one currency can be exchanged for another. For example, the higher the exchange rate for one euro in terms of one yen, the lower the relative value of the yen.
Industry:Financial services
亦称“汇价”、“外汇牌价”。外汇买卖的价格。它是两国货币的相对比价,或是一国货币以另一国货币表示的价格。折算两种货币的比率,首先要确定以哪一国货币为标准,即确定汇率的标价方法。在外汇市场上,有直接标价法和间接标价法两种不同的标价方法。不同货币制度下,汇率的决定机制各不相同。在金本位制度下,由于各国规定各自货币的含金量,两国货币含金量的对比,便成为决定两种货币比率的基础。在外汇市场上,汇率也会出现波动,但这种波动是有一定界限的,这个界限就是黄金输送点,就是黄金输出入的费用(包括运输、保险等费用)。如果超过黄金输送点(也就超出运送黄金的费用),那么宁可直接收付黄金而不收付外汇。在纸币流通条件下,由于各国货币发行量超出了兑换黄金的物质制约,汇率作为两国货币间的比价,便由两国货币在外汇市场上的供求状况决定。然而这只是表明,决定汇率走向的更深层因素在于:两国通货膨胀率差异;两国利率差异;两国经济增长差异;中央银行干预;市场预期。中国的人民币汇率诞生于1949年1月18日。目前,人民币对国外的22种货币订有汇率,实行直接标价法,并采取双向报价,买卖差价大致为5% 。在1994年以前,人民币汇率主要由官方制定,1994年外汇体制改革后,市场汇率逐渐形成。
Industry:Financial services
A situation in which assets exceed liabilities, income exceeds expenditures, exports exceed imports, or profits exceed losses.
Industry:Financial services
Legal tender or coins that can be used in exchange goods, debt, or services. Sometimes also including the value of assets that can be converted into cash immediately, as reported by a company.
Industry:Financial services
Industry:Financial services
亦称“盈余”。“逆差”或“赤字”的对称。国际收支平衡表中反映出来的贷方余额,表中数字前冠以“ +”号,表明国家各项对外经济交易收入大于支出的部分。若一国国际收支中自主性交易汇总后收入大于支出,则称为一国国际收支顺差。顺差在记账作表时,通常用黑字表示,故亦称黑字。
Industry:Financial services
In economics, broad money refers to the most inclusive definition of the money supply. Since cash can be exchanged for many different financial instruments and placed in various restricted accounts, it is not a simple task for economists to define how much money is currently in the economy. Therefore, the money supply is measured in many different ways. Broad money is used colloquially to refer to a broad definition of the money supply.
Industry:Financial services
A category of money supply that includes all physical money like coins and currency along with demand deposits and other liquid assets held by the central bank. In the United States narrow money is classified as M1 (M0 + demand accounts), while in the U.K. M0 is referenced as narrow money.
Industry:Financial services