Settore: Religion
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Lit. Covering. Material used for the roof of a sukkah during the holiday of Sukkot.
Lit. Emanations. In Jewish mysticism, the emanations from G-d's essence that interact with the universe.
Lit. Scroll of cutting off. A writ of divorce. Also called a get.
Lit. Order. 1) The family home ritual conducted as part of the Passover observance. 2) A division of the Mishnah and Talmud. See Pesach (Passover) and Pesach Seder: How Is This Night Different.
An extra day is added to many holidays because in ancient times, there was doubt as to which day was the correct day.
The Jewish Bible, also referred to as the Tanakh. More or less corresponds to what non-Jews call the "Old Testament. " See Torah.
A style of writing the Hebrew Alphabet.
Wife of Abraham. Mother of Isaac. One of the Matriarchs of Judaism.
The "Supreme Court" of the ancient Jewish state, in the tradition established in Exodus chapter 18. According to tradition, the Oral Torah was given to Moses and passed on a continuous line to Joshua, then to the elders, then to the prophets then to the Sanhedrin. It decided difficult cases and cases of capital punishment. It also fixed the calendar, taking testimony to determine when a new month began.
The person given the honor of holding the baby during a ritual circumcision. Sometimes referred to as a godfather.