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Arti e mestieri

Arts & crafts comprises a multitude of activities and hobbies that involve making things with one's hands, usually from scratch. They can be sub-divided into 'handicrafts'( or traditional crafts ) that are fashioned in an old style using long practised techniques, and the rest which are more modern inventions that have become recent trends or fads.

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Arti e mestieri > Scultura


Arti e mestieri; Scultura

Exposing to heat in a kiln a clay body to harden it or an investment casing containing wax so as to "lose it" which is an integral part of the lost-wax process . See Foundry.


Arti e mestieri; Scultura

From the French "false". Said of any false finish given to a sculpture. "Faux marble" is reconstituted marble powder incorporated into resin.


Arti e mestieri; Scultura

Coni pirometrici sono costituiti da materiale di argilla e smalto e mirano a fondere e piegare a temperature specifiche per determinare le condizioni di una fornace. Coni sono un ...


Arti e mestieri; Scultura

Una costruzione fatta di legno, filo di luce o metallo pesante, bar o tubazioni o qualsiasi altro materiale opportunamente rigido per sostenere l'argilla bagnata, intonaco bagnato ...


Arti e mestieri; Scultura

Il processo di unire due pezzi di metallo in fusione. Intenso calore è applicato da una torcia ossiacetilenica in gas o oxacetylene di saldatura e di mezzi elettrici nella ...


Arti e mestieri; Scultura

Patination is enhancement of bronze by the chemical application of color. Three water soluble compounds form the basis for most patinas: Ferric Nitrate produces reds and browns, ...


Arti e mestieri; Scultura

In sculpture, the core is the solid internal portion of an investment mould for casting a hollow piece of sculpture (such as a portrait). The amount of space left between the core ...