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Any of various photosynthetic, eukaryotic, multicellular organisms of the kingdom Plantae characteristically producing embryos, containing chloroplasts, having cellulose cell walls, and lacking the power of locomotion.

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Contributors in Piante

Piante > Fiori


Piante; Fiori

In seed plants, the extension of the male gametophyte as it emerges from the pollen grain in search of the female gametophyte.


Piante; Fiori

The seed-bearing organ of a flower, consisting of the ovary, stigma, and style.


Piante; Fiori

A thickened stem which grows horizontally below or on the soil surface, as in iris rhizomes.


Software; Fiori

(1) The user with unlimited system privileges. Also called the superuser. (2) The top directory in a BSD-style directory hierarchy. Written as a slash (/), it is the first element ...


Piante; Fiori

Part of a flower, the tip of which produces pollen and is called the anther


Piante; Fiori

Any member of the clade of plants possessing vascular tissue; a vascular plant.


Piante; Fiori

Growth of a plant by division of cells, without sexual reproduction.