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Refers to any set of beliefs of any community or nation, concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of life and the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a supernatural or divine agency.

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Religione > Buddismo


Religione; Buddismo

Il Buddha giovane auriga e personale addetto.


Religione; Buddismo

(Cinese) Zenji; Maestro Zen.


Religione; Buddismo

(Sanscrito) Un discepolo o un seguace di un Guru.


Religione; Buddismo

The highest of the Four Castes in ancient India at the time of Shakyamuni. They served Brahma, with offerings; the keepers of the Vedas, i. E. Priestly caste.


Religione; Buddismo

Pronunciato generalmente come Brahmino. Un membro di una casta alta, quella sacerdotale.


Religione; Buddismo

Nome usato nel testo attuale per la casta sacerdotale degli indù. Vedi Brahman.


Religione; Buddismo

(1) The Buddha is Siddartha who was the founder of Buddhism. He was the first to attain enlightenment, and then taught others how to attain it. His first name is Siddartha, his ...