Contributors in Marketing


posta diretta

Servizi alle imprese; Marketing

Promotional or communicative advertising through mail to the consumer.

analisi interne

Servizi alle imprese; Marketing

Also called SWOT analysis, it's an internal look at a company's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

clienti interni

Servizi alle imprese; Marketing

Employees who use the services of other employees within a company; such as an IT department servicing the company

marketing interno

Servizi alle imprese; Marketing

Raising awareness of a marketing campaign within a company to promote support and ultimately success.

sviluppo del mercato

Servizi alle imprese; Marketing

Offering the existing product range to new demographic, geographic or psychographic market segments.

marketing mix

Servizi alle imprese; Marketing

Referring to the 4 P's of marketing: product, price, placement and promotion. They are controllable variables that can be used in different ways to influence customer motivation and behavior.

orientazione marketing

Servizi alle imprese; Marketing

Un business che si concentra sul trovare e soddisfare le esigenze del consumatore in primo luogo.

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Categoria: Intrattenimento   2 10 Termini


Categoria: Intrattenimento   2 9 Termini