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The principal vehicle employed by lawmakers for introducing their proposals (enacting or repealing laws, for example) in the Senate. Bills are designated S. 1, S. 2, and so on depending on the order in which they are introduced. They address either matters of general interest ("public bills") or narrow interest ("private bills"), such as immigration cases and individual claims against the Federal government.
- Parte del discorso: sostantivo
- Sinonimi:
- Blossario:
- Settore/Dominio: Governo
- Categoria: Governo americano
- Company: U.S. Senate
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- Lubrificanti industriali(657)
- Cranes(413)
- Apparecchiature laser(243)
- Trasportatori(185)
- Torni(62)
- Attrezzatura per saldatura(52)
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- Condensatori(290)
- Motori(278)
- Generatori(192)
- Interruttori(147)
- Alimentatori(77)
Apparecchiature elettriche(1403) Terms
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- Scacchi(315)
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- Console(165)
- Giochi per computer(126)
- Accessori da gioco(9)
Giochi(1301) Terms
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- Biancheria intima(32)
- Gonne e abiti(30)
- Cappotti e giacche(25)
- Pantaloni e short(22)
- Camicie(17)
Abbigliamento(222) Terms
- Medicina(68317)
- Trattamento del cancro(5553)
- Malattie(4078)
- Genetic disorders(1982)
- Managed care(1521)
- Optometria(1202)