Home > Blossary: Italian Nikon terms glossary


469 Terms

Created by: federica.masante

Number of Blossarys: 31

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A cable over which a video signal is transmitted.

Domain: Photography; Category: Professional photography

Un cablu prin care este transmis un semnal video.

Domain: Photography; Category: Professional photography

A section of the manual providing a brief introduction to using the device.

Domain: Photography; Category: Professional photography

O secţiune a manualului de utilizare,care oferă o scurtă introducere in utilizarea dispozitivului.

Domain: Photography; Category: Professional photography

A three-legged stand used to provide a stable platform for a camera.

Domain: Photography; Category: Professional photography

Un stand cu trei picioare, folosit pentru a oferi o platformă stabilă pentru aparatul de fotografiat.

Domain: Photography; Category: Professional photography

An audible indication that that camera has been turned on.

Domain: Photography; Category: Professional photography

Un semnal sonor care indica ca aparatul a fost pornit.

Domain: Photography; Category: Professional photography

A mode in which the camera is on stand-by, consuming less power.

Domain: Photography; Category: Professional photography

Un mod în care camera este în aşteptare siconsuma mai puţină energie.

Domain: Photography; Category: Professional photography

A type of Nikon flash unit. Use this term only in the product name; never use as a generic term for “flash unit”.

Domain: Photography; Category: Professional photography

Un tip de blitz Nikon. Folosiţi acest termen numai în denumirea produsului si nu ca ca un termen generic pentru \"blitz\".

Domain: Photography; Category: Professional photography

A small preview of an image. In cameras, thumbnails are used to show multiple images in a single display known as a “thumbnail list. ”

Domain: Photography; Category: Professional photography

O previzualizare,de dimensiuni mici a unei imagini La camerele foto, miniaturile sunt folosite pentru a prezenta mai multe imagini simultan, pe un singur ecran cunoscut sub denumirea de \"listă de pictograme\".

Domain: Photography; Category: Professional photography

The name of a product warranty form included with Nikon products. This term appears in the manuals on the page listing the items included with the product.

Domain: Photography; Category: Professional photography

Numele unei forme de garanţie a produsului care apare pe produsele Nikon. Acest termen apare în manualele de utilizare a produselor, pe pagina pe care sunt afisate elementele incluse in produs.

Domain: Photography; Category: Professional photography

A collection of programs, procedures, and related documents performing some task or set of tasks in a computer system. Often contrasted with the physical elements of the system (“hardware”).

Domain: Photography; Category: Professional photography

O serie de programe, proceduri, precum şi documentele legate de realizarea unor sarcini sau un set de activităţi dintr-un sistem informatic. Adesea, în contrast cu elementele fizice ale sistemului (\"hardware\").

Domain: Photography; Category: Professional photography

A list of options displayed by selecting an option in a superordinate list.

Domain: Photography; Category: Professional photography

O listă de opţiuni afişate prin selectarea unei opţiuni într-o listă care o include pe cea de mai sus..

Domain: Photography; Category: Professional photography

A single bar code is used for all files.

Domain: Photography; Category: Professional photography

Un cod de bare unic este utilizat pentru toate fişierele.

Domain: Photography; Category: Professional photography

A button used to start and stop movie recording.

Domain: Photography; Category: Professional photography

Un buton utilizat pentru a porni şi opri înregistrarea video.

Domain: Photography; Category: Professional photography

A type of lens affording a field of view of 180 degrees.

Domain: Photography; Category: Professional photography

Un tip de lentile care asigura un camp vizual de 180 de grade.

Domain: Photography; Category: Professional photography

A representation or reproduction in black and white or in varying tones of only one color.

Domain: Photography; Category: Professional photography

O reprezentare sau reproducere în alb şi negru sau în tonuri diferite ale aceeleasi culori.

Domain: Photography; Category: Professional photography

Film that is sensitive to light in the infrared wavelengths. Used in infrared imaging.

Domain: Photography; Category: Professional photography

Filmul, care este sensibil la lumină din gama lungimilor de undă infraroşii. Utilizat în imagistica în infraroşu.

Domain: Photography; Category: Professional photography

A display on the lens that shows the focus distance.

Domain: Photography; Category: Professional photography

Un ecran pe obiectiv, care indica distanţa de focalizare.

Domain: Photography; Category: Professional photography

An item in the specifications that describes the microphone’s frequency characteristics.

Domain: Photography; Category: Professional photography

Un termen din Manualul de Utilizare care descrie caracteristicile de frecvenţă ale microfonului.

Domain: Photography; Category: Professional photography

An item in the specifications section of the manual that describes a specific type of directionality. Unidirectional microphones are extremely sensitive to sounds coming from one direction.

Domain: Photography; Category: Professional photography

Un termen din Manualul de Specificaţii, care descrie un anumit tip de directionalitatea. Microfoanele unidirecţionale sunt extrem de sensibile la sunetele care provin dintr-o anumita direcţie.

Domain: Photography; Category: Professional photography

To lose details in dark areas of the image (shadows).

Domain: Photography; Category: Professional photography

Estomparea detaliilor în zonele întunecate ale imaginii (umbre).

Domain: Photography; Category: Professional photography

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