Categoria: Entertainment
Created by: stanley soerianto
Number of Blossarys: 107
Imitācija, iespējams, ir visdziļāko forma glaimi, bet tendence ir diemžēl pārvērtusies Gongti naktsklubs sloksnes oglekļa kopiju kaudzes. Diemžēl šī Cutie nav izvirzījusi neatkarīgi no kolēģiem ...
"Tango is a Life-Style", this is the motto of tango. Tango provides a culture – a nightclub culture, which make Tango not only a club, a KTV, or a lovely bar. This culture brings relaxation, tastes, ...
Imitation may be the sincerest form of flattery, but the trend has sadly turned the Gongti nightclub strip into a stack of carbon copies. Unfortunately all that Cutie does to set itself apart from ...
Executado pelas pessoas por trás do Mix, o brilhante preta decoração e luzes chamativas de carga do Gongti são semelhantes à mistura, como são o número de salas VIP privadas, mas atrás do DJ booth é ...
The newly-renovated VICS nightclub offers party-goers a clubbing experience unique to any other venue in Beijing. Vics DJs play a mix of R&B, pop, soul, reggae and hip hop to an enthusiastic ...
PROPAGANDA is one of the Beijing's hottest new nightclub. Two floors are full with the party people in the weekends. Main floor is a great place to have some drinks and meet new friends since it is ...
Run by the people behind Mix, the shiny black décor and flashy lights of Gongti's Cargo are similar to Mix, as are the number of private VIP rooms, but behind the DJ booth is a wall made up entirely ...