Created by: Kizsok
Number of Blossarys: 1
English (EN)
French (FR)
Thai (TH)
Polish (PL)
Italian (IT)
Bulgarian (BG)
Chinese, Simplified (ZS)
Indonesian (ID)
Estonian (ET)
Spanish (ES)
Russian (RU)
Filipino (TL)
Farsi (FA)
Romanian (RO)
Serbian (SR)
Arabic (AR)
Hindi (HI)
Kazakh (KK)
Dutch (NL)
Chinese, Traditional (ZT)
Turkish (TR)
Japanese (JA)
Greek (EL)
Hungarian (HU)
Macedonian (MK)
Lithuanian (LT)
Spanish, Latin American (XL)
Latvian (LV)
Norwegian Bokmål (NO)
Malay (MS)
Portuguese, Brazilian (PB)
Armenian (HY)
Vietnamese (VI)
Tamil (TA)
Latin (LA)
Bosnian (BS)
Slovenian (SL)
Croatian (HR)
Czech (CS)
English, UK (UE)
Bengali (BN)
Georgian (KA)
French (FR)
Thai (TH)
Polish (PL)
Italian (IT)
Bulgarian (BG)
Chinese, Simplified (ZS)
Indonesian (ID)
Estonian (ET)
Spanish (ES)
Russian (RU)
Filipino (TL)
Farsi (FA)
Romanian (RO)
Serbian (SR)
Arabic (AR)
Hindi (HI)
Kazakh (KK)
Dutch (NL)
Chinese, Traditional (ZT)
Turkish (TR)
Japanese (JA)
Greek (EL)
Hungarian (HU)
Macedonian (MK)
Lithuanian (LT)
Spanish, Latin American (XL)
Latvian (LV)
Norwegian Bokmål (NO)
Malay (MS)
Portuguese, Brazilian (PB)
Armenian (HY)
Vietnamese (VI)
Tamil (TA)
Latin (LA)
Bosnian (BS)
Slovenian (SL)
Croatian (HR)
Czech (CS)
English, UK (UE)
Bengali (BN)
Georgian (KA)
Excavación de la tierra, como en la construcción de la ingeniería, que consiste en la remoción de tierra de un lugar pendiente para hacer un terreno plano y horizontal.
Una estructura de soporte de techo, piso o las paredes.
El acero es una aleación que se compone principalmente de hierro y carbón.
La pizarra es una roca metamórfica de grano fino, Foliada, homogénea derivada de una roca sedimentaria de tipo pizarra original compuesto de arcilla o ceniza volcánica a través de bajo grado ...
Siding is the outer covering or cladding of a house meant to shed water and protect from the effects of weather. On a building that uses siding, it may act as a key element in the aesthetic beauty of ...
In many domestic and industrial buildings a slab, supported on foundations or directly on the sub soil, is used to construct the ground floor of a building
Coating is a covering that is applied to the surface of an object, usually referred to as the substrate. In many cases coatings are applied to improve surface properties of the substrate, such as ...