Home > Blossary: BOGO
Acronym; stands for Buy One, Get One.


17 Terms

Created by: vtabora

Number of Blossarys: 3

I miei termini
Collected Terms

1. Die laagste verkope wat 'n restaurant moet bereik om alle kostes te dek. 2. Die bedrag wat oorbly sou as die wins beskou word.

Domain: Restaurants; Categoria: Fast food

1. le plus bas des ventes qu'un restaurant doit atteindre afin de couvrir tous les frais. 2. La somme qui reste peut être considérée la bénéfice.

Domain: Restaurants; Categoria: Fast food

1. Penjualan terendah yang harus dicapai sebuah restoran untuk menutupi semua biaya. 2. Jumlah yang tersisa akan dianggap keuntungan.

Domain: Restaurants; Categoria: Fast food

1.Cea mai mica vanzare pe care un restaurant trebuie sa o realizeze pentru a-si acoperii toate costurile.2.Suma ramasa ar putea fi considerata profit.

Domain: Restaurants; Categoria: Fast food ₁

1. The lowest of sales that a restaurant must achieve in order to cover all costs. 2. The amount that is left would be considered the profit.

Domain: Restaurants; Categoria: Fast food ₁

1. Il più basso di vendite che un ristorante deve raggiungere al fine di coprire tutti i costi. 2. L'importo che rimane sarebbe considerato il profitto.

Domain: Restaurants; Categoria: Fast food ₁

1. Die niedrigsten der Verkäufe, die ein Restaurant erreichen muss, um alle Kosten zu decken. 2. Die Höhe, die was übrig ist würde den Gewinn betrachtet werden.

Domain: Restaurants; Categoria: Fast food ₁

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