Home > Blossary: Basic Economy
It serves those who have just studied economy because it includes basic terms that they need to know and understand the economy world. It is really useful.


Company: Others

30 Terms

Created by: Fatima

Number of Blossarys: 1

My Terms
Collected Terms

It maintains the value of the coinage, print notes which would trade at par to specie, and prevent coins from leaving circulation.

Domain: Economy; Category: Economics

The use of government taxing and spending powers to affect the behaviour of the economy.

Domain: Economy; Category: Economics

The total amount of a currency that is either circulated in the hands of the public or in the commercial bank deposits held in the central bank's reserves.

Domain: Economy; Category: Economics

System of crop cultivation using small amounts of labour and capital in relation to area of land being farmed.

Domain: Economy; Category: Economics

System of cultivation using large amounts of labour and capital relative to land area.

Domain: Economy; Category: Economics

A pervasive condition of human existence that exists because society has unlimited wants and needs, but limited resources used for their satisfaction.

Domain: Economy; Category: Economics

Verovanja kojima model ekonomije počiva

Domain: Economy; Category: Economics

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