Created by: Dan Sotnikov
Number of Blossarys: 18
"Cezve" is a pot to make classic coffee. Usually cezve has narrow neck to avoid coffee spitting and long handle to avoid burning one's hands. Different regions pot has different names. European call ...
A stimulant found naturally in coffee beans, tea leaves, cocoa beans (chocolate) and kola nuts (cola) and added to soft drinks, foods, and medicines. A cup of coffee has 100-250 milligrams of ...
Kaldi was Ethiopian cattleman. The legend said that he discovered coffee after noticing that his goats, upon eating berries from a certain tree, became active that they did nor want to sleep. So he ...
The history says the Arabs were the first who began trade a coffee. Coffee was not only drank at home but there were a lot of public places where people came not only to have a cup of their favorite ...
This legend said that Omar Sheikh was the first who discovered coffee red berries effect. he found them to be too bitter to eat raw, so he threw the berries into this fire, hoping to remove their ...