American Meteorological Society
Settore: Weather
Number of terms: 60695
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Company Profile:
The American Meteorological Society promotes the development and dissemination of information and education on the atmospheric and related oceanic and hydrologic sciences and the advancement of their professional applications. Founded in 1919, AMS has a membership of more than 14,000 professionals, ...
The production of ions by cosmic rays. One or more electrons are removed from an atom, or molecule, or particle, by the cosmic ray to produce an ion.
The projection of the earth's axis upon the celestial sphere.
The projection of the plane of the geographical equator upon the celestial sphere.
The product of bulk transfer coefficient ME for moisture and wind speed U. This product acts like an electrical conductance because when used in a bulk transfer law, FE = CEMΔr, the flux (current) is proportional to the conductivity (CEM) times the potential difference (voltage). Compare eddy conductivity, conductivity, bulk transfer coefficient.
The process whereby the magnitude of the output of a measuring instrument (e.g., the level of mercury in a thermometer or the detected backscatter power of a meteorological radar) is related to the magnitude of the input force (e.g., the temperature or radar reflectivity) actuating that instrument.
The process of validating the output of an observing system against known reference observations or standards.
The probability, based on climatological statistics, that unfavorable weather will occur at a particular location or region over a certain period of time.
The process by which clouds become electrified. Normally this will produce positively charged regions in the top of clouds and negatively charged regions in the lower part of the cloud.
The process of formation of a crystal (an ordered state) from a disordered (gas) or partially ordered (liquid) state. Examples are the freezing of liquid water, the deposition of water vapor (frost), and crystal formation in supersaturated solutions.
The probability distribution of a particular variate (or subset of variates) when the other variates in the system considered are held fixed.