American Meteorological Society
Settore: Weather
Number of terms: 60695
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The American Meteorological Society promotes the development and dissemination of information and education on the atmospheric and related oceanic and hydrologic sciences and the advancement of their professional applications. Founded in 1919, AMS has a membership of more than 14,000 professionals, ...
The depression of the meniscus of a liquid contained in a tube where the liquid does not wet the walls of the container (as in a mercury barometer). The meniscus is shaped convex upward, and this results in a depression of the meniscus.
The Cunnane plotting position for the rth ranked (from largest to smallest) datum from a sample of size n, is the quotient It is used when quantile unbiased values are desired. See also plotting position, probability paper.
The cylindrical vessel of a mercury barometer into which the tube dips. See cistern barometer.
The correction applied to a mercury barometer with a nonadjustable cistern in order to compensate for the change in level of the cistern as the atmospheric pressure changes. Thus, as the pressure falls, the height of the cistern increases, due to the exchange of mercury between the barometer tube and its cistern. This correction is not required if the scale is calibrated as in the Kew barometer. See also barometric corrections.
The correlation between time series x(t) and y(t), where x and y may represent the same variable measured at different locations, or a single variable measured at one location but at different times, as for the case in which y(t) represents x(t + L), where L is a specified time lag. In such cases, the two variables are usually not statistically independent, and large cross correlations between x and y can result. See autocorrelation.
The conversion of the intermediate frequency (IF) signal in a Doppler radar or lidar to I and Q channels so that the phase of the echoes is preserved. Typically two mixers, fed by IF reference signals in phase quadrature, are used to convert the frequency components in the IF signal, centered at the IF frequency, to two video signals with frequency components centered at zero frequency, without modifying the information content.
The conversion of turbulent kinetic energy into potential energy. This occurs when turbulence exists in a statically stable environment, because turbulence is moving cooler air parcels upward and warmer air parcels downward against the force of gravity. The rate of consumption is given by the buoyancy flux. Compare dissipation.
The contribution of various greenhouse gases to the enhancement of the natural greenhouse effect, either in terms of atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide or in terms of emission rates of carbon dioxide. This term is most commonly used as the basis for comparison of the relative greenhouse effect of different greenhouse gases. In climate modeling, this term is also used to describe the practice of using carbon dioxide as a surrogate for other greenhouse gases.
The condition that the volume of a closed system decreases as the pressure on its surfaces increases. All physical substances are compressible, but the compressibility of liquids and solids is much smaller than for gases. The compressibility of a gas is defined by its equation of state, approximated adequately for many purposes by that for an ideal gas. See coefficient of compressibility; compare incompressibility.
The component of movement of heat or mass induced by thermal gradients in fluids.