George E King Consulting Inc.
Settore: Oil & gas
Number of terms: 9502
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
George King is a technology provider in the oil and gas industry specializing in new technology and problem oil well solutions.
A fault that effectively seals a compartment.
Industry:Oil & gas
A fault that is created in an actively forming basin. It is often parallel to the shore line when created.
Industry:Oil & gas
A fault with mostly vertical movement.
Industry:Oil & gas
A fault’s vertical displacement.
Industry:Oil & gas
A fibrous form of illite, also described as spider-web illite. The hairs or fibers randomly project into the pore space. In most cases, the clay is not overly reactive with water but the fibers do act as a trap for migrating particles.
Industry:Oil & gas
A field at the edge of commercial viability.
Industry:Oil & gas
A filler piece used to close a gap in piping or equipment alignment.
Industry:Oil & gas
A filter rating that purports to set the maximum size of an opening in a filter or the maximum size of the particle that can pass through the filter. The definition varies with use and company.
Industry:Oil & gas
A filtering device that uses replaceable cartridge elements to filter liquids to a required level.
Industry:Oil & gas
A fine grain (<0.00015” or about 4 microns) – finely crystalline silica sheet minerals. Usually of silicate composition. In oil field terms, the most common clays are Smectite (montmorillinite), illite, kaolinite and chlorite. The characteristic for authogenic clay is to have extremely high surface area-to-volume ratio.
Industry:Oil & gas