George E King Consulting Inc.
Settore: Oil & gas
Number of terms: 9502
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
George King is a technology provider in the oil and gas industry specializing in new technology and problem oil well solutions.
A general term referring to subsurface equipment, tools or other items.
Industry:Oil & gas
A generally insoluble hydrocarbon that has been oxidized to the point of a solid, often hard mass.
Industry:Oil & gas
A generic grade classifying the strength of the pipe: L80, P-110, etc. The numbers are the minimum yield of the steel in 1000’s of psi.
Industry:Oil & gas
A geologic aged erosional removal from the top of a formation. Reservoir rocks below this surface may contain hydrocarbon deposits if the unconformity acts as a seal.
Industry:Oil & gas
A geologic epoch from today to 65 million years ago. Few major hydrocarbon bearing strata unless fluids have migrated to a trap from older source rocks.
Industry:Oil & gas
A geologic formation through which no water flows. It may be an effective seal to the movement of water.
Industry:Oil & gas
A geologic map showing the structure of the earth’s crust.
Industry:Oil & gas
A geologic period 2 million to 65 million years ago.
Industry:Oil & gas
A geologic period of time between 40 and 425 million years ago.
Industry:Oil & gas
A geologic period of time from 320 to 265 million years ago.
Industry:Oil & gas