George E King Consulting Inc.
Settore: Oil & gas
Number of terms: 9502
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
George King is a technology provider in the oil and gas industry specializing in new technology and problem oil well solutions.
A device that measures an electric field at multiple points at the same time. The gradient is the difference in measured values per unit of distance between the measuring points.
Industry:Oil & gas
A device that measures gravity changes over a specific area.
Industry:Oil & gas
A device that measures radiation output (Geiger counter).
Industry:Oil & gas
A device that measures the density of fluids along a fluid column.
Industry:Oil & gas
A device that measures the local gravitational pull. Gravimeters are useful for determining small changes in the gravity. Very useful for detecting salt domes.
Industry:Oil & gas
A device that records vibrations (natural or man-made) in the earth. With interpretation, the data can give information on buried strata.
Industry:Oil & gas
A device that removes mists and vapors from gas in a tank or enclosure.
Industry:Oil & gas
A device that seals the annulus to pressure or flow.
Industry:Oil & gas
A device that separates cuttings by centrifugal motion of the fluids.
Industry:Oil & gas
A device that separates materials by density through a centrifugal motion.
Industry:Oil & gas