The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Settore: Printing & publishing
Number of terms: 178089
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
McGraw Hill Financial, Inc. is an American publicly traded corporation headquartered in Rockefeller Center in New York City. Its primary areas of business are financial, publishing, and business services.
CoF<sub>3</sub> A brownish powder that reacts with water to form a precipitate of cobaltic hydroxide; used as a fluorinating agent. Also known as cobaltic fluoride.
İki form, kırmızı cıva oksit ve sarı cıva oksit cıva bileşik HgO A; Kırmızı forma üzerine Isıtma parçalanır, suda çözünmez ve pigmentler ve boyalar ve seramik kullanılır; Sarı forma suda çözünmez, Isıtma üzerine parçalanır ve tıpta kullanılmıştır. Cıva oksit olarak da bilinir; Kırmızı çökelti; Sarı bir çökelti.
NaClO<sub>2</sub> An explosive, white, mildly hygroscopic, watersoluble powder; decomposes at 175_C; used as an analytical reagent and oxidizing agent.
Mg(OH)<sub>2</sub> A white powder, very slightly soluble in water, decomposing at 350_C; used as an intermediate in extraction of magnesium metal, and as a reagent in the sulfite wood pulp process. Also known as magnesium hydrate.
AgBr sarımsı, ışığa duyarlı kristalleri; Potasyum bromür ve potasyum siyanür, biraz suda çözünür çözünür; 432_C, erir; fotoğraf filmleri ve levhalar kullanılır.
A binary compound of zinc and a halogen; for example, ZnBr<sub>2</sub>, ZnCl<sub>2</sub>, ZnF<sub>2</sub>, and ZnI<sub>2</sub>.
Referring to mercury with a valence of 1; for example, mercurous chloride, Hg<sub>2</sub>Cl<sub>2</sub>, where the mercury is covalently bonded, as Cl_Hg_Hg_Cl.
CuF<sub>2</sub> White crystalline powder used in ceramics and in the preparation of brazing and soldering fluxes. Also known as copper fluoride.
Bir bileşik bir halojen ile sodyum; Örneğin, sodyum bromür (NaBr), Sodyum Klorür (NaCl), sodyum iyodür (NAI) ve sodyum florür (kaf).
A compound of zirconium with a halogen; for example, ZrBr<sub>2</sub>, ZrCl<sub>2</sub>, ZrCl<sub>3</sub>, ZrCl<sub>4</sub>, ZrBr<sub>2</sub>, ZrBr<sub>3</sub>, ZrF<sub>4</sub>, and ZrI<sub>4</sub>.