- Settore: Government
- Number of terms: 30456
- Number of blossaries: 0
- Company Profile:
NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce
A measure of the chemically oxidizable material in water which provides an approximation of the amount of organic and reducing material present. The determined value may correlate with biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) or with carbonaceous organic pollution from sewage or industrial wastes.
Industry:Natural environment
A method for differential staining of bacteria; Gram-positive cells stain purple-black and Gram-negative cells stain pink; useful in bacterial taxonomy and identification.
Industry:Natural environment
A method for gathering data pertaining to ecologically significant biological components of a reef habitat over small spatial scales. Because the method provides a quick “snapshot” of major reef biota during a single dive or snorkel survey, it is particularly useful in assessing remote areas that are only rarely visited and where little time can be spent. REA is usefully employed by Coral Reef Ecosystem Division (CRED) at the NMFS Pacific Island Fisheries Science Center. During research cruises to these remote areas, teams of CRED divers survey the reef communities in a comprehensive manner, recording species abundance, diversity, and spatial distribution simultaneously for four key components of the ecosystem: fishes, corals, other invertebrates, and algae. Specific protocols are followed for field work and subsequent laboratory analyses .
Industry:Natural environment
A model in which the organisms on the Earth have radically altered its composition. A stronger position is that the Earth's biosphere effectively acts as if it is a self-organizing system, which works in such a way as to keep its systems in some kind of equilibrium that is conducive to life.
Industry:Natural environment
A multi-agency effort that began in 2003 with the first cruise to the Mariana Archipelago. The objective of MARAMP is to rapidly evaluate and map the shallow water reef habitats in the Mariana Archipelago. Scientists on board the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) research vessel Oscar Elton Sette use a variety of techniques to study the oceanography and coral, fish, algae, and benthic habitats around most of the islands and offshore banks of the archipelago .
Industry:Natural environment
A multi-agency effort to build a GIS-based marine information system for U.S. waters that provides authoritative geospatial data and supporting information to inform decision making on a range of ocean issues .
Industry:Natural environment
A multi-agency, multi-year effort that began in 2000. NOWRAMP's objective is to rapidly evaluate and map the shallow water reef habitats in the NWHI. The agencies which contribute to NOWRAMP are: NOAA, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the State of Hawai‘i Department of Land and natural Resources, the University of Hawai‘i, the Bishop Museum, the Hawai‘i Maritime Service, the U.S. National Park Service, and scientists from the University of California at Santa Cruz.
Industry:Natural environment
A multicellular animal phylum, with a tissue grade of construction, that contains the stony (hard) corals, anemones, sea fans, sea pens, hydroids, and jellyfish.
Industry:Natural environment
A natural, interbreeding unit of sexually reproducing organisms sharing a common gene pool.
Industry:Natural environment
A network of managers of marine and coastal protected areas in the wider Caribbean organized to achieve goals of conservation and sustainable use of Caribbean coastal and marine environmental resources. General activities conducted through campam's membership include sharing experiences and addressing management challenges by facilitating training opportunities, information exchange, communication, and problem solving.
Industry:Natural environment