- Settore: Education
- Number of terms: 12355
- Number of blossaries: 0
- Company Profile:
Founded in 1946, Palomar College is a public two-year community college in the city of San Marcos, located in north San Diego County, California. Palomar offers over 300 associate degree, certificate programs and is designated by the U.S. Department of Education as an Hispanic-Serving Institution ...
Molecules that provide the specific signature or identity to blood or other tissue cells. When alien antigens are introduced into the body, they stimulate the production and mobilization of antibodies. Antigens are found on the surface of blood and other tissue cells as well as bacteria and viruses.
Milk secreting glands of mammals. They are usually located on the chest or abdomen in one or more bilaterally symmetrical pairs. Mammary glands are also referred to as breasts.
Microscopic simple single celled organisms lacking chlorophyll and a membrane around their nuclei. They reproduce by mitosis. Many species of bacteria are parasites of humans and other animals and plants. Bacteria are classified as members of the Kingdom Monera.
Members of the hominin genus Paranthropus described first in the 1930's by Robert Broom. Since the 1960's, most paleoanthropologists have not classified them as a separate genus but, rather, as members of the genus Australopithecus. From this perspective, the paranthropoids were the robust australopithecines. They lived during the late Pliocene and early Pleistocene geological Epochs in Africa (i.e., ca. 2. 5-1. 4 million years ago). .
Members of a conservative Protestant sect related to the Mennonites. The Amish migrated to Pennsylvania from Switzerland in the late 18th century. The Old Order Amish are a relatively closed group that shuns most modern conveniences in their farming lifestyle. They use horse drawn carriages, dress very simply, and reject those who marry non-Amish.
Mate selection based on one or more traits that are discriminated for or against. This is a mechanism of evolution. See positive assortative, negative assortative, and random mating.
Mate selection in which all individuals have an equal chance of being selected--there is no conscious discrimination for or against any trait. See non-random mating.
Major evolutionary changes in a population's gene pool, occurring over many generations, resulting in the evolution of new species. See microevolution.
Magnetic fields that are altered or formed in atoms of iron by heat in excess of 1100° F. (600° C. ). Such fields line up with the magnetic field of the planet at the time of the exposure to a high temperature. They will remain oriented to that direction indefinitely despite the fact that the true position of magnetic north wanders over thousands of miles around the rotational north pole and even reverses with the magnetic south pole over longer periods of time. See paleomagnetic dating.