Schlumberger Limited
Settore: Oil & gas
Number of terms: 8814
Number of blossaries: 0
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In a cement slurry, the ratio of water to cement expressed as percent; the number of parts of water used to mix with 100 parts of cement.
Industry:Oil & gas
Hydroxypropyl starch is a derivative of natural starch, used primarily for fluid-loss control in drilling muds, drill-in, completion and workover fluids. Being nonionic, it is only slightly affected by salinity and hardness in fluids. Linear and branched carbohydrate polymers in natural starch have three reactive OH groups on each glucose unit. During manufacture, these polymers are reacted with propylene oxide, adding hydroxypropyl (CH(OH)CH<sub>2</sub>CH<sub>3</sub>) groups at the OH positions by an ether linkage. By adding the hydroxypropyl groups, the HP starch becomes more resistant to thermal degradation and bacterial attack.
Industry:Oil & gas
Hydrogen ion potential, which is the log<sub>10</sub> of the reciprocal of hydrogen ion, H<sup>+</sup>, concentration. Mathematically, pH &#61; log<sub>10</sub> (1/(H<sup>+</sup>)), where ( ) represents mole/L. PH is derived from the ion-product constant of water, which at room temperature is 1 x 10<sup>-14</sup> &#61; (H<sup>+</sup>) x (OH<sup>-</sup>). Pure water (at neutral pH) has equal concentrations of its two ions: (H<sup>+</sup>) &#61; (OH<sup>-</sup>) &#61; 10<sup>-7</sup> mole/L. Log<sub>10</sub> 1/(H<sup>+</sup>) is 7, which is the pH of a neutral solution. The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14, and values below 7 are acidic and above 7 are basic.
Industry:Oil & gas
Having the same center, such as when the casing and the wellbore have a common center point and, therefore, a uniform annular dimension.
Industry:Oil & gas
Прочность геля, которые являются очень низкими, оба значения около нуля, когда измеряется на 10 секунд и 10 минут стандартизированных процедур испытания. В ноль ноль гели грязи может произойти оседание барита и черенками.
Industry:Oil & gas
Жесткий гранулированный конкреций по существу состоят из силикатов кальция гидравлические, с меньшего количества кальция алюминаты и ферриты. Портландцементного клинкера производится путем термической обработки цементного сырья в печи. Клинкер измельчают с гипсом в производстве Портланд-цемента.
Industry:Oil & gas
Gas that rises to the surface, usually detected because it reduces the density of the drilling mud. Gas detectors, which the mud logger monitors, measure combustible gases (methane, ethane, butane and others). The mud logger reports total gas, individual gas components, or both, on the mud log. In extreme cases, gas visibly bubbles out of the mud as it returns to the surface. Because the mud does not circulate to the surface for a considerable time, sometimes lagging several hours after a formation is drilled, a gas show may be representative of what happened in the wellbore hours (or many feet) prior to the current total depth of the well.
Industry:Oil & gas
Газ, захваченную в буровой жидкости во время поездки трубы, что обычно приводит к существенному увеличению в Газе, которая распространяется по поверхности. Это увеличение обусловлено сочетанием двух факторов: отсутствия циркуляции, когда грязевые насосы выключены, и Свабирование эффекты вызванные потянув бурильной колонны к поверхности. Эти эффекты могут рассматриваться после короткой поездки в корпус или полное путешествие к поверхности.
Industry:Oil & gas
Formation solids contained in a mud system, generally considered to be detrimental to the drilling operation because they produce high plastic viscosity, yield point and gel strengths and build poor-quality filter cakes. They also occupy space that is needed for barite in high-density muds. Drill solids cause excessive wear in the mud pumps and other rig equipment. Solids control is aimed at economically and efficiently removing drill solids. This implies removal as soon as possible after they enter the mud system, while the particles are at their largest size.
Industry:Oil & gas
Equipment used to measure filtration under dynamic conditions. Two commercial dynamic-filtration testers are available, one of which uses a thick-walled cylinder with rock-like characteristics as the filter medium to simulate radial flow into a wellbore. The other tester uses flat porous disks, such as paper or fused ceramic plates, as filter media. In a dynamic test, filter cake is continually eroded and deposited. Data from this test include a steady-state filtration rate measured during the test, and cake thickness, cake quality and return permeability of the filter medium measured at the conclusion of a test. There is no API standardized test equipment or procedure.
Industry:Oil & gas