- Settore: Oil & gas
- Number of terms: 8814
- Number of blossaries: 0
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A chemical property of an aqueous system that implies that there are more hydroxyl ions (OH<sup>-</sup>) in the system, or a potential to produce more hydroxyl ions, than there are hydrogen ions (H<sup>+</sup>), or potential to produce hydrogen ions.
Industry:Oil & gas
A chemical that reacts with dissolved oxygen (O<sub>2</sub>) to reduce corrosion, such as sulfite (SO<sub>3</sub><sup>-2</sup>) and bisulfite (HSO<sub>3</sub><sup>-</sup>) ions that combine with oxygen to form sulfate (SO<sub>4</sub><sup>-2</sup>). This is a redox reaction and requires a nickel or cobalt catalyst. Removal of air from a mud by defoaming and mechanical degassing is an essential first step before a scavenger can lower the dissolved oxygen content.
Industry:Oil & gas
Химическое вещество, которое вызывает дисперсных коллоидных системы (например, глины) коагулируют и хлопьев. Большинство флокулянты, разносторонним катионы, например, кальция, магния и алюминия, либо длинные цепи полимеры. Высокий pH, высокой солености и высокая температура могут также вызвать флокуляции глины.
Industry:Oil & gas
A chemical or isotopic marker that is uniformly distributed in the continuous phase of a drilling, coring, drill-in or completion fluid and used to later identify the filtrate in cores or in fluids sampled from permeable strata. A tracer must become a part of the filtrate, remaining in true solution and moving with the filtrate into permeable zones. It must not be a component in the strata that is expected to migrate, be adsorbed on clays, or degraded. It should be measurable in trace amounts and safe to handle. Examples of filtrate tracers include: (1) Radioactively tagged compounds (isotopes of elements). Tritium, a weakly-emitting radioisotope of hydrogen, can be a safe and effective tracer in both oil and water (as T<sub>2</sub>O) muds. It is measured by scintillation counts. (2) Bromide or iodide compounds are practical to use because they do not occur naturally in most muds or reservoirs. They are detectable in small amounts by electron-capture gas chromatography. (3) Fatty acids (or their derivatives) normally present in an oil-mud emulsifier can serve as oil-filtrate tracers and are analyzed by gas chromatography. (4) Nitrate (NO<sub>3</sub><sup>-</sup>) anion, added as sodium, potassium or calcium nitrate, is one of the earliest tracers used. It is limited by being difficult to analyze and lost by degradation.
Industry:Oil & gas
Химическое вещество, которое действует как поверхность активного агента. Этот термин включает в себя множество материалов, которые функционируют как эмульгаторы, диспергаторы, нефть мокрецы, мокрецы воды, пенообразователей и Пеногасители. Тип поведения, ПАВ, ли выступать в качестве эмульгатора или диспергатор или иным образом, зависит от структурных групп на молекулы (или смесь молекул). Гидрофильность lipophile баланс (HLB) номер помогает определить функцию, которая будет выполнять молекулярные группы.
Industry:Oil & gas
A chemical system that resists a change in pH. It comprises three components: water, weak acid (or weak base) and salt of the weak acid (or salt of weak base). In a buffered system, the concentration of H<sup>+</sup> and OH<sup>-</sup> ions remain relatively constant because they are in equilibrium with one or more of the other two components, even with the addition of acids or bases.
Industry:Oil & gas
Химическая реакция между кислотой и основанием в форме соли и воды. Нейтрализация используется в изготовлении продукции грязи, удаление кислотных загрязнителей от грязи и формирование эмульгаторы в масло грязи. Нейтрализация используется в тест для щелочности грязи и фильтратов.
Industry:Oil & gas
Дешево, расходные, возможно, даже одноразовые резьбовые фигуры к спариванию с потоками на бурильной колонны и компонентов корпуса. Протекторы резьбы избежать вредных воздействий и другие контактные поверхности металлических нитей. Некоторые пленки достаточно сильны и оснащены лифтинг глаз так, что они могут быть пьяным в сустав бурильной трубы, УБТ или другого компонента и цепи связаны с глаз для подъема сустава. Кроме этого типа большинство из других доступных стилей Протекторы резьбы являются относительно недорогим, из термопластов и различных эпоксидных смол.
Industry:Oil & gas
A chemical analysis to measure the hardness ions in water-mud filtrates or in make-up water. Hardness is quantitatively determined by titration using standardized EDTA (versenate) reagent and ammonium hydroxide (weak) buffer, typically according to procedures of API. Results are reported as calcium ion in mg/L. The hardness ion Ca<sup>+2</sup> can be analyzed alone by another EDTA titration method described by the API.
Industry:Oil & gas
A casing string that does not extend to the top of the wellbore, but instead is anchored or suspended from inside the bottom of the previous casing string. There is no difference between the casing joints themselves. The advantage to the well designer of a liner is a substantial savings in steel, and therefore capital costs. To save casing, however, additional tools and risk are involved. The well designer must trade off the additional tools, complexities and risks against the potential capital savings when deciding whether to design for a liner or a casing string that goes all the way to the top of the well (a "long string"). The liner can be fitted with special components so that it can be connected to the surface at a later time if need be.
Industry:Oil & gas