- Settore: Music
- Number of terms: 16969
- Number of blossaries: 0
- Company Profile:
Sony Music Entertainment is one of the largest recorded music companies in the world, headquartered in NYC with offices worldwide. Labels include Burgundy Victor, Columbia, Epic, J-Records, Legacy, Masterworks, Nashville, Provident, RCA Records, Sony Latin, Zomba/Jive.
Библейский текст на слова Девы Марии, полифонически поют в церкви эпохи возрождения на.
Стиль раннего джаза характеризуется несколькими импровизация в ансамбле Корнет (или труба), кларнет (или саксофон), Тромбон, фортепиано, струнный бас (или туба), банджо (или гитара) и барабаны; справочника включены, блюз, Рэгтайм и популярные песни.
Основной формой японского театра с конца XIV века; на основе философских концепций от дзэн-буддизма.
English medieval strophic song with a refrain repeated after each stanza; now associated with Christmas.
Musical form in which the first section recurs, usually in the tonic. In the Classical sonata cycle, it appears as the last movement in various forms, including A-B-A-B-A, A-B-A-C-A, and A-B-A-C-A-B-A.
Popular music style that combines folk music with amplified instruments of rock.
Male singer who was castrated during boyhood to preserve the soprano or alto vocal register, prominent in seventeenth and early eighteenth century opera.
Short melodic or rhythmic idea; the smallest fragment of a theme that forms a melodic-harmonic-rhythmic unit.