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Storia dell'arte

Record of past mediums or works of art throughout history.

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Storia dell'arte; Storia dell'arte generale

The Vorticists were a British avant-garde group formed in London in 1914 by the artist, writer and polemicist, Wyndham Lewis. Their only group exhibition was held in London the ...


Storia dell'arte; Storia dell'arte generale

The process of joining two pieces of metal by softening or melting both surfaces to be joined by the application of heat.

incisione su legno

Storia dell'arte; Storia dell'arte generale

A printmaking method distinct from woodcut in that the line is incised into the woodblock, rather than the background being cut away to leave a line in relief. So it is an ...


Storia dell'arte; Storia dell'arte generale

A method of relief printing from a block of wood cut along the grain. The block is carved so that an image stands out in relief. The relief image is then inked and paper placed ...

World of Art (Mir Iskutsstva)

Storia dell'arte; Storia dell'arte generale

Un gruppo artistico d'avanguardia russo promosso attraverso il giornale dello stesso nome che correva dal 1898 al 1905. Serge Diaghilev fu determinante nella fondazione del gruppo ...

Worpswede Group

Storia dell'arte; Storia dell'arte generale

Worpswede is a village set in beautiful countryside in Lower Saxony, Germany, near the city of Bremen. In 1889 the painters Fritz Mackensen, Otto Modersohn and Hans am Ende moved ...

Arte di strada

Storia dell'arte; Storia dell'arte generale

Street art is genre related to graffiti writing, but separate and with different rules and traditions. Where modern-day graffiti revolves around 'tagging' and text-based subject ...