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The Chair permits a Senator to speak by recognizing him or her; the Senator then "has the floor. " When time is controlled, a Senator must have time yielded to him or her before he or she can be recognized.
- Parte del discorso: sostantivo
- Sinonimi:
- Blossario:
- Settore/Dominio: Governo
- Categoria: Governo americano
- Company: U.S. Senate
- Prodotto:
- Acronimo - Abbreviazione:
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Settore/Dominio: Istruzione Categoria: Insegnamento
оқу өнімі
End result of a process of learning; what one has learned.
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- Contratti(640)
- Brevetti e marchi(449)
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- Leggi statunitensi(77)
- Diritto dell'Unione Europea(75)