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Is it me or this site feels like it wants to be too many things at once?

I'm trying to do a project on the usefulness and purpose of this site for a university class.
  • Settore/Dominio: Reti sociali
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  • Created: 18:09, 13 March 2012

Risposte (2)


I'm actually new to this site so I'm not quite sure how useful I'll be for you this time :) But since I speak more than two languages and this site is actually multilingual purpose site I think that the amount of knowledge is huge here so I think many things can be done about this, however, I think the site looks organized so far. Will certainly keep you posted whether I find new interesting things in the near future though.

03:32, 20 March 2012


I have been following TermWiki website for 2 years, at the start I thought it was another wiki, it turns out it wasn't, then I thought it was a terminology and translation management system combined after a new feature like workbench for translation based on Google API was added, then they added human and machine pronunciation, then my glossary ... no hold on, My Glossary first then Pronunciation, but it was not mentioned a lot in their newsletters. With the new skin, things started to change, it started to take the shape of a social network, and here we are a website that has features of Wikipedia combined with features of Facebook with the ability to add or even create terms and share them and translate them to all languages possible, beside other features… In the end all that I can say: I believe it’s a new hybrid that has more practical intentions and better use of time; I spend my time translating terms, rather then playing games, I add short definitions to terms and share them, many times I’ve been surprised when reading some terms in the news added by other users - I think it has a great future!

01:37, 14 March 2012

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