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Should I buy iphone 4 or iphone 4s?

What is the difference between iphone 4 and iphone 4s?

Risposte (6)


I would agree with Teditor as well, not much difference to my mind. The 4S looks very similar (except you can choose a white version), just a few grams heavier but overall has more memory, a better quality camera for those pictures and videos and can store up to 64Gb. And then there is also Siri :) If you want to look into it in more detail, here's a link for comparing the two in English: http://www.geeky-gadgets.com/the-difference-between-the-iphone-4-and-iphone-4s/ Good luck choosing!

12:50, 25 May 2012


Do not buy apple.

23:01, 24 May 2012


I agree with Teditor!

17:08, 25 April 2012


The difference is minor so you are better off waiting for an iPhone 5 which is said to have a breakthrough touch sensation technology.

03:15, 25 April 2012



22:55, 22 April 2012

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