Home > Termini > Spagnolo latino-americano (XL) > alar


Trade name for daminozide, a plant regulator and therefore classed as a pesticide, that makes apples redder, firmer, and less likely to drop off trees before harvest. It was also used to a lesser extent on peanuts, tart cherries, concord grapes, and other fruits. Alar was suspended by the Environmental Protection Agency in 1989 following a controversy over allegations of cancer risk to children from residues of Alar and its breakdown product UDMH on apples and in apple products.

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Tsveta Velikova
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Settore/Dominio: Cibo (altro) Categoria: Piatti da tutto il mondo


Chofán is the Dominican version of the Chinese Chow fan. It is made by mixing already cooked white rice, vegetables of your choosing, corn, peas, ...