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Storia dell'arte

Record of past mediums or works of art throughout history.

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Storia dell'arte; Storia dell'arte generale

A model for a larger piece of sculpture. Often fascinating works in their own right, conveying the immediacy of the artist's first realisation of an idea.

memento mori

Storia dell'arte; Storia dell'arte generale

Latin phrase meaning remember you must die. A memento mori painting or sculpture is one designed to remind the viewer of their mortality and of the brevity and fragility of human ...

Arte metafisica

Storia dell'arte; Storia dell'arte generale

Italian art movement, Pittura Metafisica. Created by Giorgio de Chirico and the former Futurist, Carlo Carra, in the north Italian city of Ferrara. Using a realist style, they ...

Muralismo messicano

Storia dell'arte; Storia dell'arte generale

Term describing the revival of large-scale mural painting in Mexico in the 1920s and 1930s. The three principal artists were José Clemente Orozco, Diego Rivera, and David Alfaro ...


Storia dell'arte; Storia dell'arte generale

A form of engraving where the metal printing plate is indented by rocking a toothed metal tool across the surface. Each pit holds ink, and if printed at this stage the image would ...


Storia dell'arte; Storia dell'arte generale

In materia di arte questo termine ha due principali sovrapposti, persino un po' confondendo i significati. Pittura, scultura, disegno, incisione, è tutti i mezzi dell'arte nel ...


Storia dell'arte; Storia dell'arte generale

Nonsense word invented by the German Dada artist Kurt Schwitters to describe his collage and assemblage works based on scavenged scrap materials. He made large numbers of small ...