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A branch of physical science that is concerned with the study of matter and energy and how they interact.

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Chimica > Chimica inorganica

clorato di sodio

Chimica; Chimica inorganica

NaClO 3 Water- and alcohol-soluble, colorless crystals with a saline taste; melts at 255_C; used as a medicine, weed killer, defoliant, and oxidizing agent, and in matches, ...

bromuro di zinco

Chimica; Chimica inorganica

ZnBr 2 Water- and alcohol-soluble, white crystals that melt at 294_C; used in medicine, manufacture of rayon, and photography, and in a radiation viewing screen.

ossido di cobalto

Chimica; Chimica inorganica

CoO una polvere marrone grigiastro che si decompone a 1935_C, insolubile in acqua; usato come colorante in ceramica e nella fabbricazione di vetro.

fluoruro mercurico

Chimica; Chimica inorganica

HgF 2 Poisonous, transparent crystals that decompose when heated; moderately soluble in alcohol and water; used to synthesize organic fluorides.

arsenito argento

Chimica; Chimica inorganica

Ag 3 AsO 3 A poisonous, light-sensitive, yellow powder; soluble in acids and alkalies, insoluble in water and alcohol; decomposes at 150_C; used in medicine.

cloruro di zinco

Chimica; Chimica inorganica

ZnCl 2 Water- and alcohol-soluble, white, fire-hazardous crystals that melt at 290_C, and are irritating to the skin; used as a catalyst and in electroplating, wood preservation, ...

solfato di cobalto

Chimica; Chimica inorganica

Any compound of either divalent or trivalent cobalt and the sulfate group; anhydrous cobaltous sulfate, CoSO 4 , contains divalent cobalt, has a melting point of 96.8_C, is ...