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A branch of physical science that is concerned with the study of matter and energy and how they interact.

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Chimica > Chimica inorganica


Chimica; Chimica inorganica

Un sale ottenuto per la neutralizzazione di un idrogeno in acido carbonico.


Chimica; Chimica inorganica

A salt of iodic acid containing the IO 3 sw radical; sodium and potassium iodates are the most important salts and are used in medicine.


Chimica; Chimica inorganica

H 3 As A colorless, highly poisonous gas with an unpleasant odor.


Chimica; Chimica inorganica

H 2 NNH 2 A colorless, hygroscopic liquid, boiling point 114_C, with an ammonialike odor; it is reducing, decomposable, basic, and bifunctional; used as a rocket fuel, in ...


Chimica; Chimica inorganica

A compound containing hydrogen and another element; examples are H 2 S, which is a hydride although it may be properly called hydrogen sulfide, and lithium hydride, LiH.


Chimica; Chimica inorganica

ClO 3 sw A negative ion derived from hypochlorous acid, HClO; the ion is an oxidizing agent and a constituent of bleaching agents.


Chimica; Chimica inorganica

A compound that has the HSO 4 _ radical; derived from sulfuric acid.