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A branch of physical science that is concerned with the study of matter and energy and how they interact.

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Chimica > Chimica inorganica


Chimica; Chimica inorganica

A nitrogen oxyanion containing an O-O peroxo bond that is a structural isomer of the nitrate ion. Species are generally distinguished by writing the chemical formula for ...

carbonato di stronzio

Chimica; Chimica inorganica

SrCO 3 A white powder slightly soluble in water, decomposes at 1340_C; used to make TV-tube glass, strontium salts, and ceramic ferrites, and in pyrotechnics.

vanadato di ammonio

Chimica; Chimica inorganica

NH 4 VO 3 A white to yellow, water-soluble, crystalline powder; used in inks and as a paint drier and textile mordant.

solfuro ferroso

Chimica; Chimica inorganica

Cristalli di FeS nero, insolubile in acqua, solubile in acidi, fusione punto 1195_C; usato per generare idrogeno solforato nella fabbricazione di ceramica. Noto anche come solfuro ...

clorato di stronzio

Chimica; Chimica inorganica

Sr(ClO 3 ) 2 Shock-sensitive, highly combustible, white, water-soluble crystals that decompose at 120_C; used in pyrotechnics and tracer bullets.

acido persulfurico

Chimica; Chimica inorganica

H 2 S 2 O 8 Acid formed in lead-cell batteries by electrolyzing sulfuric acid; strong oxidizing agent.

cloruro di stronzio

Chimica; Chimica inorganica

SrCl 2 Water- and alcohol-soluble white crystals, melts at 872_C; used in medicine and pyrotechnics and to make strontium salts.