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Frutta e verdura
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Frutta e verdura > Frutta 
zucca, zucchina
Frutta e verdura; Frutta
This edible squash-like gourd, also known as "marrow squash," is related to the zucchini. It has a bland flavor and is often stuffed with a meat filling.
Momordica charantia (specie di cetriolo)
Frutta e verdura; Frutta
The fruit of a tropical climbing herb in Africa and Asia. It is similar to a cucumber and is used as a vegetable in meat dishes, fish dishes, and in soups. Also called "Balsam ...
zucca bottiglia, cocozza, zucca da vino, zucca del pellegrino, zucca dei pescatori (Lagenaria siceraria)
Frutta e verdura; Frutta
A common variety of hard-shelled gourd, also called "bottle gourd" and "Calabash gourd." This gourd is used in the West Indies to produce a very popular syrup. Its shell is often ...
cagià, giobo, tapiriba (Spondias mombin)
Frutta e verdura; Frutta
The edible fruit of a tropical American tree that is plentiful in northeastern Brazil. It is bright yellow, oval, averages an inch long, and features a soft, juicy sub-acid pulp ...
zucca bottiglia, cocozza, zucca da vino, zucca del pellegrino, zucca dei pescatori (Lagenaria siceraria)
Frutta e verdura; Frutta
A common variety of hard-shelled gourd, also called "white-flowered gourd" and "Calabash gourd." This gourd is used in the West Indies to produce a very popular syrup. Its shell ...
Boysenberry (frutto di bosco incrocio tra lampone e mora del Pacifico)
Frutta e verdura; Frutta
Creato da orticoltore Rudolph Boysen nel 1923 attraversando un lampone, mora e un loganberry. Esso ha la forma di un grande lampone e ha un sapore dolce-acido.
uva/uvetta di Corinto
Frutta e verdura; Frutta
This fruit of the Zante grape is a tiny, dark raisin. It comes from Corinth Greece and is used primarily in baked foods. The Zante Currant is unrelated to the other fruit called ...

- Agrumi (117)
- Fagioli e piselli (56)
- Fruit vegetables (240)
- Frutta (6478)
- Frutta esotica (422)
- Frutti decidui (43)
- Frutti di bosco (51)
- Funghi (240)
- Leaf vegetables (144)
- Verdure (302)
- Verdure a radice (348)
- Verdure a radice (15)
- Verdure varie (145)