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The science that deals with the mental and behaviourial characteristics of an individual, community or society.

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Psicologia > Analisi comportamentale


Psicologia; Analisi comportamentale

Non non c'è alcuna definizione attualmente disponibili.

modica del comportamento

Psicologia; Analisi comportamentale

1) Interventions that are designed to change behavior in a precisely measurable manner. Often used interchangeably with the terms applied behavior analysis and behavior therapy. ...


Psicologia; Analisi comportamentale

A description of data that indicates the extent to which values in one subset of a series predict values of another subset. Also referred to as serial dependency.


Psicologia; Analisi comportamentale

A predisposition to behave in a certain way . A positive attitude toward science is a predisposition to behave in certain ways regarding science, including saying certain kinds of ...


Psicologia; Analisi comportamentale

1) Everything that an organism does, including covert actions like thinking. 2) Anything a person does that can be observed. 3) Anything an organism does. Although the ...

unita' assoluta

Psicologia; Analisi comportamentale

A unit of measurement whose value is defined in a fixed or unvarying manner independently of the phenomenon being measured.

essere concreti

Psicologia; Analisi comportamentale

Sempre individuare comportamenti specifici quando si affronta un problema comportamentale (psicologico).