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The science that deals with the mental and behaviourial characteristics of an individual, community or society.

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Psicologia > Analisi comportamentale


Psicologia; Analisi comportamentale

In una discriminazione simultanea, una risposta ad uno stimolo non correlata con rinforzo; una discriminazione successiva, una risposta alla presenza di uno stimolo correlate con ...


Psicologia; Analisi comportamentale

Dimenticare dimenticare. Non c'è niente.


Psicologia; Analisi comportamentale

Genotype refers to the genetic make-up of the organism. Some observable characteristics are largely determined by genotype, other features are strongly influenced by experience, ...


Psicologia; Analisi comportamentale

Emotion is a state of the organism in which the form and frequency of several items of behavior in the ongoing operant repertoire are altered. The term emotion, as it is ...


Psicologia; Analisi comportamentale

Discriminative effects of reinforcing stimuli (as when the smell of food makes responses reinforced by food more likely); occasionally, a stimulus that changes the reinforcing or ...


Psicologia; Analisi comportamentale

Descriptions of the structural or syntactic properties of verbal behavior. Sequential grammars appeal only to the discriminative effects of prior verbal stimuli ; they are ...

comportamento emozionale

Psicologia; Analisi comportamentale

Correlated changes in a range of response classes (e.g., if a preaversive stimulus simultaneously alters heart rate, respiration, blood pressure, defecation, and operant behavior ...