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Cell biology

The study of cell structure, physiological properties, interactions with the environment and life cycle.

Contributors in Biologia cellulare

Cell biology

tettonica delle placche

Biologia; Biologia cellulare

Il movimento delle placche che compongono la superficie della terra. Il paradigma rivoluzionario in geologia che la crosta terrestre è composta di segmenti rigidi (piastre) in costante (anche se ...


Biologia; Biologia cellulare

Nei vertebrati, cella frammenti quel germoglio fuori dai megacariociti nel midollo osseo; trasportare sostanze chimiche necessarie per la coagulazione del sangue. Frammento di cellula funzionamento ...


Biologia; Biologia cellulare

Long chains of monosaccharide units bonded together; e. G. , glycogen, starch, and cellulose.


Biologia; Biologia cellulare

A group of individuals of the same species living in the same area at the same time and sharing a common gene pool. A group of potentially interbreeding organisms in a geographic area.


Biologia; Biologia cellulare

Informal term describing 7/8 of geologic time from the beginning of the earth to the beginning of the Cambrian Period of the Paleozoic Era. During this time the atmosphere and oceans formed, life ...


Biologia; Biologia cellulare

The part of the hydrologic cycle in which the water vapor in the atmosphere falls to Earth as rain or snow.


Biologia; Biologia cellulare

One of the biological interactions that can limit population growth; occurs when organisms kill and consume other living organisms.

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