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Cell biology

The study of cell structure, physiological properties, interactions with the environment and life cycle.

Contributors in Biologia cellulare

Cell biology


Biologia; Biologia cellulare

Term applied to a radioactive isotope, such as carbon-14 or uranium 238. Radioisotope nuclei are unstable and spontaneously breakdown and emit one of a number of types of radiation.


Biologia; Biologia cellulare

Energy emitted from the unstable nuclei of radioactive isotopes.


Biologia; Biologia cellulare

Protein on or protruding from the cell surface to which select chemicals can bind. The opiate receptor in brain cells allows both the natural chemical as well as foreign (opiate) chemicals to bind.


Biologia; Biologia cellulare

Refers to an allele of a gene that is expressed when the dominant allele is not present. An allele expressed only in homozygous form, when the dominant allele is absent.


Biologia; Biologia cellulare

Animals that have a body cavity that is in direct contact with the outer muscular layer of the body and does not arise by splitting of the mesoderm; e. G. , roundworms.

simmetria radiale

Biologia; Biologia cellulare

Negli animali, si riferisce a organismi con parti del loro corpo disposti intorno ad un asse centrale. Questi animali tendono ad essere circolari o di forma cilindrica.


Biologia; Biologia cellulare

La base che attribuisce un þower al fusto.

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