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Any member of the family Canidae of the order Carnivora. Includes the domestic dog, Canis familiaris, many wild dogs, foxes, fennecs, jackals and wolves.
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American water spaniel
Animali; Cani
Una razza di medie dimensioni spaniels, originario dell'America, avendo bioccolo cioccolato o color fegato.
spitz americano
Animali; Cani
Precedentemente chiamato il Spitz, una piccola-media dimensione razza di cane da compagnia originari degli Stati Uniti nel ventesimo secolo e caratterizzata dal mantello bianco, lanuginoso.
pastore dell'Anatolia
Animali; Cani
A breed of sheep dog native to Turkey possessing characteristics of both mastiffs and gazehounds.
Animali; Cani
A breed of small dogs of European origin, having wiry, shaggy hair and a tufted muzzle.
West Highland white terrier
Animali; Cani
A small white terrier with upright ears and tail, developed in Scotland from Cairn, Scottish, and Skye terriers.
bovaro delle Fiandre
Animali; Cani
A breed of large, strong dogs developed in Belgium, having a rough, fawn to black coat and originally used for herding and guarding cattle.