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GPS (global positioning system)

Of or referring to a space based navigation system that provides location, time, and weather conditions on earth.

Contributors in GPS (Global Positioning System)

GPS (global positioning system)

GPS differenziale (DGPS)

Telecomunicazioni; GPS (Global Positioning System)

Un'estensione del sistema GPS che utilizza radiofari terrestri per trasmettere la posizione correzioni ai ricevitori GPS. DGPS riduce l'effetto della disponibilità selettiva, ritardo di propagazione, ...


Telecomunicazioni; GPS (Global Positioning System)

The horizontal direction from one point on the earth to another, measured clockwise in degrees (0-360) from a north or south reference line. An azimuth is also called a bearing.


Telecomunicazioni; GPS (Global Positioning System)

The GPS receiver "software" or electronic means, implemented in some fashion (either analogue or digital) within a Tracking Channel, used to shift or compare the incoming signal with an internally ...

collegamento spazio-terra

Telecomunicazioni; GPS (Global Positioning System)

A transmission path for the communication of signals and data from a communications satellite or other space vehicle to the earth.


Telecomunicazioni; GPS (Global Positioning System)

The number of repetitions per unit time of a complete waveform, as of a radio wave (see L1 and L2 frequencies in this glossary).


Telecomunicazioni; GPS (Global Positioning System)

A quality measure of GPS performance for critical applications such as civilian aviation. A high level of integrity is sought for such applications.


Telecomunicazioni; GPS (Global Positioning System)

A region of the earth's atmosphere where ionization caused by incoming solar radiation affects the transmission of GPS radio waves. It extends from a height of 50 kilometers (30 miles) to 400 ...

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