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Globalization software service

Contributors in Servizio di globalizzazione software

Globalization software service

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Software; Servizio di globalizzazione software

Per abbattere una stringa di informazioni, ad esempio un comando o file, nei suoi elementi costitutivi.


Software; Servizio di globalizzazione software

Per cancellare un oggetto precedentemente selezionato.


Software; Servizio di globalizzazione software

(1) A relationship between a set of input data values and a set of result values that is used to extend and customize SQL or XQuery. Functions are invoked from elements of SQL statements such as the ...


Software; Servizio di globalizzazione software

(1) A device that coordinates and controls the operation of one or more input/output devices (such as workstations) and synchronizes the operation of such devices with the operation of the system as ...


Software; Servizio di globalizzazione software

(1) A device that examines text, graphics, or bar code patterns and generates electrical signals corresponding to the pattern. It sends the signals to a computing device for processing. (2) The ...


Software; Servizio di globalizzazione software

(1) A representation of one thing to another. (2) In BMS, the process of transforming field data to and from its displayable form. (3) The process of transforming data from one application-specific ...


Software; Servizio di globalizzazione software

(1) A request for information from a database based on specific conditions: for example, a request for a list of all customers in a customer table whose balances are greater than $1000. (2) A ...

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