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(1) A pattern to help the user identify the location of keys on a keyboard, functions assigned to keys on a keyboard, or switches and lights on a control panel.
(2) An object used to create new objects of the same type. The newly created object has the same characteristics as the template.
(3) In REXX, a guide that allows strings to be parsed by words (delimited by blanks), by explicit matching of strings, or by specifying numeric positions.
(4) A family of C++ classes or functions with variable types.
(5) A DB2 utilities output data set descriptor that is used for dynamic allocation. A template is defined by the TEMPLATE utility control statement.
(6) In WebSphere Commerce, a predefined skeleton or pattern that determines how information displays on a Web page. The template defines characteristics such as the location and type of text and images, and background color.
(7) A model of a new Notes database. If it is a design template, it will update database design elements created from the template.
(8) A standard layout used in such system communications as e-mail, approval requests, and error messages.
(9) A HATS resource that describes the relatively static portion of the Web pages presented by the HATS application, including a banner and navigation area.

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