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интраокуларна леќа
An intraocular lens (IOL) is an implanted lens in the eye, usually replacing the existing crystalline lens because it has been clouded over by a cataract, or as a form of refractive surgery to change the eye's optical power. It usually consists of a small plastic lens with plastic side struts, called haptics, to hold the lens in place within the capsular bag inside the eye. needed IOLs were traditionally made of an inflexible material (PMMA), although this has largely been superseded by the use of flexible materials. Most IOLs fitted today are fixed monofocal lenses matched to distance vision. However, other types are available, such as multifocal IOLs which provide the patient with multiple-focused vision at far and reading distance, and adaptive IOLs which provide the patient with limited visual accommodation.
- Parte del discorso: sostantivo
- Sinonimi: intraocular lens (IOL)_₀
- Blossario: Instructions for use
- Settore/Dominio: Biotecnologie; Assistenza sanitaria; Scienze della vita; Medico
- Categoria: Impianti e materiali interventistica
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