Home > Termini > Spagnolo latino-americano (XL) > productos perecibles
productos perecibles
Farm goods that prior to processing cannot be stored for a substantial period of time without excessive loss through deterioration or spoilage. Examples of perishable commodities are fresh fruits and vegetables, meat and poultry. Most of the commodities purchased by the Agricultural Marketing Service under Section 32 authority are perishable items.
- Parte del discorso: sostantivo
- Sinonimi:
- Blossario:
- Settore/Dominio: Agricoltura
- Categoria: Programmi e disposizioni legislative per l'agricoltura
- Company: USDA
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- Liquame(2)
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- Belle arti(254)
- Scultura(239)
- Arte moderna(176)
- Pittura a olio(114)
- Lavoro con palla(40)
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- Giardinaggio(1753)
- Decorazioni esterne(23)
- Patio e giardino(6)
- Dispositivi di giardinaggio(6)
- Barbeque(1)
- Articoli da giardino(1)
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- Fibre industriali(1805)
- Tessuto(212)
- Sewing(201)
- Fibre e cuciture(53)
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- Cosmetici(80)