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Any living creature of the Kingdom Animalia constituting multi-celled organisms as well as single-celled organisms lacking chlorophyll and having the ability for spontaneous movement, such as protozoans.

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Animali > Cani

Bully Kutta

Animali; Cani

Bully Kutta is a Molosser type dog which is found largely in Pakistan. The word Bully actually derives from the languages of Sindhi and Urdu as "bohli" — meaning heavily wrinkled ...

Airedale Terrier

Animali; Cani

The Airedale Terrier (often shortened to "Airedale") is a breed of the terrier type that originated in Airedale, a geographic area in Yorkshire, England. It is traditionally ...

Cane Aidi

Animali; Cani

The Aidi or Chien de l'Atlas is a Moroccan dog breed used as a flock guard, protecting herds of sheep and goats. It also possesses hunting capabilities and good scenting ability. ...

Cane Ariegeois

Animali; Cani

The Ariegeois is a breed of dog, specifically a French pack-hunting scenthound developed late in the last century. It is distinguished by its friendly nature with other hounds and ...

Levriero afgano

Animali; Cani

Distinto dal suo cappotto spessa, sottile, setoso e la coda con un ricciolo di anello alla fine, la razza ha acquisito le sue caratteristiche uniche nelle fredde montagne ...

Mastino Tibetano

Animali; Cani

Poche sono le razze ad essere state circondate da un alone di leggenda come quello che ha accompagnato il Mastino Tibetano attraverso i secoli, dalla celebre citazione di ...

Cane Karakachan

Animali; Cani

Il Karakachan è una razza di cane che è nato in Bulgaria come un cane montagna. Altri nomi sono Karakachan pastore e Traci Molos. Il cane prende il nome da Karakachans, pastori ...
